The Centre for Narrative Psychology and Practice

International Spring Festival of Narrative Ideas – September 2011

It’s now possible to register for the International Spring Festival of Narrative Ideas which is to take place here at Dulwich Centre in September. This three-day extravaganza will feature Dulwich Centre Faculty and well-respected Australian and international teachers. There will be invigorating keynote presentations and workshops to enable people to practice their skills. Keynote presentations will include:

Creative narrative therapy with children and their families: Lisa Johnson
Talking about sex: Mary Heath
Innovations in Narrative Therapy: Connecting practice, training, and research: Karen Young & Jim Duval (Canada)
Responding to family and friends after the loss of a loved one through suicide: Marnie Sather & David Newman
Life-saving tips from young Muslim Australians: featuring young Muslim Australians & Sekneh Beckett-Hammoud.

There will also be presentations relating to digital story-telling, latest developments from the Michael White Archive, mental health, single-session therapy, and explorations into the intersection of artistic practice and narrative practice. We hope to see you here from 21–23 September! To register, email:

Даты проведения: 
It’s now possible to register for the International Spring Festival of Narrative Ideas which is to take place here at Dulwich Centre in September. This three-day extravaganza will feature Dulwich Centre Faculty and well-respected Australian and international teachers. There will be invigorating keynote presentations and workshops to enable people to practice their skills. Keynote presentations will include
Дата публикации: 
Дата окончания публикации: 
Даты проведения обучений для вывода в баблах (свободный формат): 
21–23 September 2011
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