Ekaterina Daychik
1996 - 1998 - Institute of Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Qualifications of psychologist-practitioner.
1998 - 2000 - Institute of Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis, specialization systemic family therapy. Qualifications practicing psychologist, family counselor.
2001 - 2003 - Institute of Applied Psychology and psychoanalysis, clinical psychology specialization. Qualifying clinical psychologist.
Training in narrative therapy and social-constructivist approaches:
Training "Narrative therapy in Moscow." Facilitator: Hugh Fox (UK)
Training "licking Sciences. Oriented solution therapy when working with psihotravmoy and PTSD. Coach: Arild Aambo (Norway)
"Intensive training in narrative therapy." Presenter: Jill Freedman (USA)
"Narrative therapy with couples." Presenter: Jill Freedman (USA)
Training in narrative therapy with David Epstonom in Manchester (UK)
Training Maps of narrative therapy with Michael White in London
Training course "Modern Narrative therapy with Michael White in Moscow
Training "Working with children in narrative practice" with Amanda Redstone in Moscow
Training "Narrative Mediation" with Gerald Monk in Moscow
Training "Narrative work with women and children who experienced violence, abuse and trauma," with John Stilmanom in Moscow
8th International Conference on Narrative practice and work in communities (Kristiansand, Norway)
Training "Working with people experiencing dying, grief and loss," with L. Hedke and J. Winslade in Moscow
Training "Narrative Supervision" with Hugh Fox in Moscow
1999 - present - Private Practice: Individual and family counseling (the systems approach, narrative therapy, solution-oriented short-term therapy)
2000 - 2004 - Non-profit organization Youth Center "Creative development of personality, psychologist
2004 - present - Institute of Applied Psychology and Psychoanalysis, lecturer in systemic family therapy