Dear colleagues, interested in the narrative approach, implementing the narrative practice of his profession and life, ready to share their experience and learn about the work of their colleagues who wish to expand their professional repertoire narrative means! Center for Psychology and Narrative Practice invites you to participate in a mini-conference to be held 11/30/11, Wednesday, from 19.00 to 22.00, in addition to the Center for Metro Barrikadnaya. We are confident that the professionals who practice narrative approach in Moscow have enough of their findings and ideas that will be interesting narrative consultants and specialists from other approaches. Please send us your requests for workshops (within one hour) and to participate in the conference! We have the opportunity to conduct two parallel workshops. Participation cost - 500 rubles, leading workshops for participation is free. We look forward to your participation on the site (submit your application you can here), on page event "Narrative mini-conference" on Facebook. You can also send your requests or questions to the organizers of the conference: Sukhanov, Xenia, Moskvichev Vyacheslav, Please write about your intentions in advance so we had the opportunity to plan the number of chairs (possible space is limited)
Narrative mini-conference

30 november 2011
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